Know Whether Russian Bear Dog Breed Is Good For Your Home Or Not

russian bear dog

There are so many different varieties of dogs available in this world. They come in different sizes, colors, and features as well. If you would look around then you would be able to find a dog that is perfect for you. Russian bear dog is one of a kind that many people adore. As the name reveals, this dog breed grows big and fluffy that resembles a bear. It is a task to keep such a dog in the house not just because of the giant size but also because of the temperament. Despite every difficulty of this dog, people still love to have it around because of the cuteness. Here is everything that you should know about the Russian bear dog breed:

Origin of the huge Russian bear dog:

russian bear dog

This breed is originally known as the Caucasian Ovcharka. This is a very popular breed in Russia and you can see this breed in most houses there. The main purpose of this beautiful breed is to look after the sheep. This is a breed that is meant for mountains so this breed can bear heavy winter days. You can get this breed to look after the protection of your home. Caucasians are great guard dogs and they know their work well. They got their fame in 1930 and now many kennel-Clubs breeds this giant beast dog to sell them.

The appearance of the Russian bear dog breed:

russian bear dog

The name bear dog actually suits the appearance of this breed. The Russian bear dog breed is a large size dog that is very fluffy almost like a bear. It is because of the large size that people trust this breed for protection. Muscles can be seen in their body that makes them look beautiful. Large paws that with comparatively small legs make them look adorable. They have a huge head with medium eyes that are of black or brown color. Originally they have long ears but people chop their ears short to save this dog breed from wolf bites.

Let us know a little bit about the weight and size of this dog:

We already know that the Russian bear dog breed can grow very large. The male dog can grow up to 35 inches and they can even weight 200lbs. the female of this beautiful breed can grow till 31inches and they can have a bodyweight of about 180lbs. it is because of their size that they need a huge space to live.

Variations of colors in this beautiful dog breed:

russian bear dog

As we know the Russian bear dog breed is a mountain dog so they come in a double coat. They have two layers of fur that protects them from cold weather. They come in a variety of colors so you can always pick accordingly. The combination of white, fawn, brown, grey is very common. You can also get them in tri-colors as well.

The temperament of this breed:

russian bear dog

They are originally a guard dog so protectiveness is in their nature. They are extremely loyal to their master even a small move can make them alert. In simple words, we can say that the Russian bear dog does not trust strangers. They are very alert and if they would find things strange then they would bark out loud. They take time to be friendly with anyone so people need to be careful while around this dog breed. They are an independent breed so they don’t even ask for much time from the owner.


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