
Top 5 Most Muscular Dog Breeds To Have

Source: Muscular dogs have their own importance in different households and properties. Not everyone can handle these dogs but if you want a guard dog then this is the kind of dog for you. The muscles of these dogs always attract people and they look so dashing. Apart from their muscular body, they are very well disciplined. They know about their work and are quite aggressive. These dogs are not for first-time pet owners. You should train them well and you should be very careful if you have kids around. Here are some muscular dog breeds that you can check: American Staffordshire terrier: Source: This is one of the best muscular dogs that you can get. This is a medium-sized dog but this dog needs some space to live in. they look so much like Pit bulls but there are some major differences between the two breeds. The muscular body of this dog would steal your heart. If you are getting this home then always remember that you are getting an energy bomb. The best

Some Of The Cutest Dog Breeds That Look Like Polar Bear

Source: Dogs are the best companion that you can bring home. If you are searching for some fur-ball friends then you should look up the polar bear dog . No, there is no dog that has the name of a polar bear but there are dogs that look like polar bear cubs. How interesting and fun it would be snuggle with a dog that looks like a baby bear? The whole journey is going to be too cute no doubt. Here is a small list of dogs that can be called a polar bear dog breed . You can check this list to state your favorite one among all: American Eskimo Is A Famous Breed That People Love:   Source: This is a small dog breed that can be said as a polar bear dog . You don’t have to bear the weight of a polar bear as you would get to cuddle this dog. This would not have body-weight more than 11 pounds. This dog breed is quite affectionate so you should get only if you can give time. This breed is very playful and it has a good affection towards balls. If you would fet

Know Whether Russian Bear Dog Breed Is Good For Your Home Or Not

Source: There are so many different varieties of dogs available in this world. They come in different sizes, colors, and features as well. If you would look around then you would be able to find a dog that is perfect for you. Russian bear dog is one of a kind that many people adore. As the name reveals, this dog breed grows big and fluffy that resembles a bear. It is a task to keep such a dog in the house not just because of the giant size but also because of the temperament. Despite every difficulty of this dog, people still love to have it around because of the cuteness. Here is everything that you should know about the Russian bear dog breed : Origin of the huge Russian bear dog: Source: This breed is originally known as the Caucasian Ovcharka. This is a very popular breed in Russia and you can see this breed in most houses there. The main purpose of this beautiful breed is to look after the sheep. This is a breed that is meant for mountains

4 Interesting Dog Pokemons That Will Leave You Amazed

The Pokemon Go game has got immensely popular all over the world and people are liking its Pokemon characters a lot. There are some dog Pokemons in it too that are inspired by some of the other real dog breeds.  Dog lovers will like to know about these dog characters of the game and see how their unique features are designed in the game. Let us check 4 of such popular dogs today in this post.  1)  Snubbull Source: This dog is like a short version of a big bulldog. It is covered in a pink dress with blue dots on it. It has an angry and furious look and can send back any Pokemon showing its sharp teeth. Don’t go on its short look, it has an equal potential to any big Pokemon.  2)  Eevee Source: Eevee is a cute Pokémon dog that every Pokemon lover will be liking. It is a small, brown-colored dog having big ears and also has a mane like a lion. Its violet and black colored eyes always glitter. Seeing it a couple of times on TV, you wo

9 Amazing Facts to Know About Walrus Dog

Do you love dogs? What a stupid question we are asking, right? Who doesn’t love them? When we said dogs, it included each and every breed. There are dogs that are excessively outgoing and there also dogs that are unbelievably quiet. Some breeds are cute in looking while others are cute in nature; either way, both are beneficial. Our point is there is nothing as surprising as dogs in this universe. There are thousands of breeds in the world of pooches. The more you know about them, the more you fall in love with them. One such breed is Walrus Dog. Source: Have you ever heard about walrus dog? Probably no, that’s why you are here, or you have listened about it but want to know more about the cute and wrinkly pup. Yup! This dog looks weirdly sweet with its wrinkly head, neck, and shoulders. Below we are stating some of the characteristics of Walrus dog that make him a fantastic pet. Petsnurturing has worked hard to gather information about this mix breed.

5 Strong Muscular Dog Breeds to Safeguard Your House

Dogs give a good company to humans. We have a great time playing with them. Also, they are very vigilant. If you keep them at your office or your house, they will safeguard it very well. Today, we have brought 5 muscular dog breeds that you should have a look at as they can be really good security personnel for you. They are amiable as well so you will have a great time with them. American Pit Bull Terrier: Source: American Pit Bull Terrier is very strong. If you take it to canine bodybuilding competitions then you will have a high chance of winning the competition . You can feel the muscles of this dog breed by touching them. You can have them at your house or at your office to alert the thieves. They are very active too and you will have a great time having fun with them. American Bully: Source: American Bully looks very similar to American Pit Bull Terrier. Many people fail to recognize them and get confused due to their similar body

Know Whether You Can Get Your Dogs Some Pomegranate Or Not

Pomegranate is an exotic fruit that tastes as well as, looks amazing and it is used in all most every corner of the world and people enjoy pomegranate flavor and at the same time people believe that this fruit is very healthy for them. Dog lovers always wondered about can dogs eat pomegranate or not as people always assume food that is healthy for them would be healthy for their paw friend as well.  If you are also wondering about whether you can feed your dog with some pomegranate, then here is everything that you need to know whether a pomegranate is safe for dogs or not: Can dogs eat pomegranate? You would have to understand that the digestive system of humans is far different from that of a dog so everything that you can eat may not be good for dogs. When it comes to pomegranate, things are quite different as many dogs love to have pomegranate treats but that should be done in moderation.  Source: If you would consider the health b