All You Need To Know About The Largest Eagle Varieties Of The World

Eagles are one of those birds that represent power and eagles are those birds who know that their freedom is more important than anything and they know how to live their life with freedom while flying high in the sky. Eagles fall on the category of largest birds in the world along with other large birds of the world. There are different varieties of eagles in the world that varies in size and some of them are counted among the largest eagles in the world which is great.

There are so many things that one can learn from an eagle as eagles are very particular about their skills and apart from great flyers, they are also great hunters and they are very particular about their target at the same time which is great for sure. If you are wondering about the largest eagle in the world then here petsnurturing are some of the largest eagle varieties listed below that you need to check out:

Steller’s Sea Eagle:

This is probably the largest eagle in the world with the height of more than 3.5 ft which is amazing for sure. This eagle can have a bodyweight of about 900 grams that is not very heavy and that is the reason that they are good at flying. The wingspan of this Eagle can be of about 3 meters and they look amazing when they expand their wings completely.

You would be able to spot them in areas of Japan and East Asia and you would be amazed to know that for Japan, this bird is a national treasure so one cannot harm this bird.

Asian Golden Eagle:

They have the largest wingspan and if they would spread their wings completely then that would be as huge as 9 ft which looks terrific. This eagle can be as heavy as 6kgs and that is quite heavy for a bird but since it has huge wingspan so they manage to fly high. The length of this eagle, however, varies and you can spot them in different sizes and you would be able to spot them near Eurasia and they prefer staying at mountains where the population is very less which ensures that they don’t like too much crowd.

American Bald Eagle:

As by the name you already know that this eagle is widely found in America and in particular this eagle is found in areas of North America. This eagle can be as huge as 100 cm and they can also have a bodyweight of about 7 kg that is quite heavy for an eagle. When they spread their wings then their wing length can be of 8 ft and this helps them in taking good and high flights every time.

Harpy Eagle:

This eagle is widely found in the areas of central as well as, South America and you would also be able to spot them in nearby places. They look terrific with a devilish face and grey to black toned feathers in their body. This eagle can have a length of about 110 cm and they can have the body weight of about 5 kg which is heavy. If they would spread their wings completely then that would measure up to 7 ft or even more.

Philippine Eagle:

By the name of this eagle, you might have guessed that this eagle is exclusive in the Philippines and if you would kill this eagle in the country then you would even have to face jail of about 12 years. This eagle has very clear eyesight which allows them to spot the prey from a distance and attack the prey as well. The length of this eagle varies in between 90-100 cm whereas they can have a bodyweight of about 8 kg and if they would spread their wings completely then that would be measured as long as 7.5 ft. There are also some unknown facts about this eagle.

These were some of the largest eagles in the world that you need to check out and to know more about such things you can get through Petsnurturing.


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